"The Ancient of Days" Adam=God

"Adam-God" - Brigham Young's Theory or Divine Doctrine,

can indeed be defended, both in principle, and historically!

By Dr. Bob Holt, MD, MPH


........Although Joseph Smith had his visions from 1820 to 1827, and Brigham Young did not preach his

"Adam=God" sermon until April 9, 1852, both these events were long before the Scopes Trial

of 1925, at a time in United States history in which the majority of people still had unquestioning belief

in the Bible Story of Adam and Eve, and most assumed that the world and the Universe was a mere

6000 years or less old.

..... Since then, most American school children have been exposed to the Theory of Evolution,

and all the evidence that the word is millions of years old in its present condition, and that the

Universe is billions of years old.

....In Utah, where Brigham Young would build his religious and financial "Empire" even in his day

fossils of ancient ages were being discovered. ....And now a giant park exists where dinosaur bones

hundreds of millions of years old can be seen by any visitor, touched by their bare hands, and they can

pose for photographs by reptile bones as big as tree trunks!.. I know! ...I've been there and done that!

.....However, we cannot totally discredit the Biblical story of Adam. ...There must have, at some time,

been a man who, by chance or design, so far surpassed those before him in ability and talent, that he

could be called "the Ancient of Days" or the "Father of us all". ...He had to have been a

great leader, for his extended family survived, while all the other "almost-men" died out, or were

exterminated by "Adam's" race.

......For a long time the scientific-minded of the late 19th and 20th centuries, armed now with Charles

Darwin's Origin of the Species and the Theory of Evolution that it spawned believed exactly

what Joseph Smith and Brigham Young had proposed, that the only God we are accountable to is

our Father, the first modern man...


Call him "Adam" or whatever other name suits your fancy. But over the years other discoveries have been

made.....This time in Archaeological "digs" in the ruins of ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian

cities and temples. ......And now we can be relatively certain that modern man did NOT just evolve by chance,

but was purposely created by DNA splicing by the Elohim gods under the direction of a god name Enki...

Enki used his own sperm, containing "god" DNA in these initial creations of men and women. ..So in a very real

sense, Adam was both a "God", and the son of a god.

......Once this is admitted to be true, then whenever Jesus was born, he had to have been born with

"Adam's" DNA.. Which was the rest of what Joseph Smith and Brigham Young both claimed..

Indeed, both were really just summarizing the implications of Luke's genealogy of Chapter 3:23-38. ....With the

Gnostic and Deist twist on verse 38 that if there is an anthropomorphic "God" somewhere that

created and is in charge of the whole universe, with its billions of stars and possibly thousands of

inhabited worlds, He, She, or It has left the fate of this world more or less to ADAM and His

Children, the real GODS of this world............Dr. Bob Holt, md ........12-14-2004

So now we know, from cuneiform records baked in brick, and

therefore unchanged for 4000+ years, and carvings on rocks shown

to be fully as old, that "Heavenly Astronauts" from elsewhere in the

Universe, did visit and colonize this planet.

And instructed their slaves and priests and followers on this earth

how to even carve pictures and cylinder seals of their exploits!

The ancient cuneiform records left by the ELOHIM show they initially came to this earth to mine for gold to protect the degrading atmosphere of their own planet, Nibiru or "Planet X"

The same cuneiform records and the accompanying pictures [on cylinder seals] show the creation of mankind [by in- vitro DNA methods]

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans were the slaves of the ELOHIM, as animals are still "slaves" to present humans. But about 11,000 years ago the ending of an "Ice Age" drowned the ancient cities of the ELOHIM in Sumer. A few humans survived.

Contrary to later traditions in the Bible and Koran, the ELOHIM Gods had children.

During the FLOOD caused by the end of the Ice Age the GODS that supported the continued existance of the human race were related to ENKI, while those who wished to return to Nibiru [Planet X] were related to ENLIL [God of Heaven].

ENKI had used gene-splicing of DNA to create humans, so his family took the serpent, which resembles DNA, as their symbol. So we can assume the present God, Lord Shiva, is a descendent of ENKI, our Creator.

As the human population again rose, the ELOHIM fought wars and used RELIGION to control us.

For the entire Age of ARIES, which began around 2000 BC, a renegade GOD of the ELOHIM, Ra-Marduk, controlled the Middle East [originally called E-DIN], while the rest of the GODS fled to other areas of earth far away

When highly advanced UFOs were constructed by ELOHIM scientists, Ra-Marduk was prevented from using them.

Ra-Marduk, the userper God, either died or was finally deposed before the present Age of Pisces. In India, many religions dwelt in relative peace and harmony, until Muslim invaders came.

Now, at the end of the Age of Pisces, a concerted effort is being made

by Lord Shiva, and several helpers including the time-space traveler

Jesus Christ, to bring about a liberation of the human race from the

dogmas that enslave them to religious leaders increasingly hostile to

others not under their direct control. ...Joseph Smith died a martyr to

such hostility, and Brigham Young learned to use it to his own

advantage.... But it is reasonable to assume that both were contacted

by Jesus and Lord Shiva, and given, among other visions and teachings,

the ADAM=GOD "doctrine" they both preached.

Conclusion: Historically, the story of Adam and Eve is a myth, edited from earlier Sumerian stories by Hebrew scribes. ...We should be more concerned with the story of "Adam" the son of Enki, the first real "man". But Enki was a Sumerian God, so his son would also be a God.... And as our forefather, the "Ancient of Days".

NEXT: Our Father Adam was no 'Sinner'

and 'Eve' was the first 'saintly' Mother!

Topsy-Turvy Theology!